Konrad Werner: German business is dodgy as hell
The German media used the week to report on the increasingly idiotic row between the Greek and German governments. Meanwhile, two major German companies were punished for corruption charges.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Günther Jauch is one big Stinkefinger
There's one thing more offensive than Yanis Varoufakis giving the bird to all of Germany. And that's the Günther Jauch show. Konrad is exasperated.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: So we CAN afford not to treat people like shit
Friday is 100 days since the minimum wage was introduced in Germany. Turns out it's not the apocalypse.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: German corruption and a few dead Mexicans
Germany's inaction and indifference to its own business corruption is fuelling the Mexican drug wars.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: It'd be cheaper just to let them in
The EU has decided to spend stupid money on buying insanely expensive military hardware to stop refugees from getting in. A policy that doesn't involve drowning would probably work out to be more...
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Either Merkel is lying or the BND is out of control
The BND story is really complicated, but there's only one thing you need to know.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Germany sells friendship to al-Sisi
You'd think Merkel and Gauck, having both lived in a police state, might give a bit more of a shit about Egypt's political prisoners. If they really have to sell German stuff, they could at least...
View ArticleKonrad Werner: What does the average German care about?
Here's why Merkel's government can carry on fucking over the German people.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Flipping out over the Queen
The German papers lost their minds this week because there was an old lady with a shiny hat in town.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Merkel's reassuring cluelessness
It turns out that Angela Merkel doesn't really know what to do about Greece either. But she thinks she's right anyway. That makes Konrad feel better.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Merkel, please stop Schäuble, he's insane
Why does the chancellor let Wolfgang Schäuble do whatever he wants even though it's immoral AND it blatantly doesn't work?
View ArticleKonrad Werner: What's the point of the SPD?
Why does Sigmar Gabriel exist? Who castrated the centre-left? Is this what German politics has come to: wondering who will be Merkel's next gimp?
View ArticleKonrad Werner: So easy to commit treason
If it hadn't been for the Verfassungschutz's treason charges, would anyone have even read Netzpolitik in the first place?
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Merkel's anti-Nazi plan – encourage then condemn
Merkel has said she's against all the Nazi violence in Saxony. Maybe she could stop ignoring the situation before it festers up so badly?
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Where has this Merkel been?
There's a ban on Merkel-bashing this week – she did good. Just a few small points, though... Really tiny. Konrad feels a bit dickish even bringing them up, to be honest.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: The EU has no idea what a refugee crisis is
This isn't a crisis, this is just called reluctantly getting your shit together.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Bild's empty moral blackmail can go fuck itself
Five Bundesliga clubs have now told the Bild newspaper where they can stick their "We're helping" badges.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: Germany protects its corrupt multinationals? No shit!
Whether it's Volkswagen or Heckler & Koch, the German government goes out of its way to help its corrupt export companies. That's what it means to be the German government.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: The German civil war
Bavaria, under the generalship of Horst Seehofer, is preparing to secede from the Republic. These are desperate times, but the ancient borders just feel right.
View ArticleKonrad Werner: The futile war on data
Just so you know, the Bundestag is going to pass a new mass data collection law today, October 16. Thought you might care.
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